The Crow
The Crow // Eleni Charalambidis (2021)
87732 VC Design Studio: Narrative, Form and Time
Staff - Matthew Taylor, Gabriel Clark, Theadora Kable, Fionn McCabe, Elizabeth Nagy, Isaac Wilcox, Peter Wildman
Acknowledgment of Country:
I acknowledge Uncle Greg Simms as an Elder and Knowledge Holder as a Gadigal, Darug, Gundungurra and Yuin man. I also acknowledge Uncle Wes Marne who passed this story onto Uncle Greg.
I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land in which I learn, create, explore and live, the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation and the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug nation. I am grateful to have experienced the ocean and natural environment of the beautiful Country of the Gadigal and Bidjigal people known as La Perouse. I pay respect to all their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Project Blurb:
The Crow project aimed to explore the Indigenous story about the crow told by Uncle Greg Simms and the place of La Perouse through the medium of motion graphics. My project respectfully reflects a particular part of this story in a sophisticated and minimalistic way. My project focuses on the rock formations and patterns at La Perouse to represent the natural environment. The video is a combination of graphics, patterns, texture, audio and type in order to effectively communicate the atmosphere of the place and story. This project has greatly helped me understand the design processes involved in motion graphics and how to respectfully work with Indigenous culture.